Fight Fat & Cellulite with Foam Rolling

There are multiple benefits to foam rolling or “Self-myofacial-release.”

It’s not only great as a warm up or post work-out recovery, foam rolling can help your body burn fat and even reduce cellulite! 

Foam rolling works by alleviating adhesions or “knots” in your soft tissue to restore elasticity and mobility. By guiding your body back and forth over the roller, you’re essentially giving yourself a deep tissue massage. Foam rolling gives you more circulation, more oxygenated blood and gets rid of congestion in the body. This will enable nutrients and blood flow into the muscles, reduce the chance of injuries, and increase mobility.

Try foam rolling before stretching and notice how much lighter the body feels!


Spending just 20 minutes to roll the entire body is a work out in itself. There’s no “exact” science to the technique, but it does require some upper body and core strength, balance and flexibility, which can be built over time.

Depending on your body awareness and control, and how restricted your body is to start, it can be awkward, super painful, and seem impossible at first.

Spend about 30-60 seconds on each muscle, rolling around 5-8 times.

You can find foam rollers, or Rumble Rollers  at most sports and fitness stores such as Treadmill Factory, even Walmart and Winners.

The smoother foam roller can be helpful to start with and comfortable to lie on. I personally recommend the rumble roller because of its firmness and ridges to really get deeper in the tissue.

Watch my foam rolling tutorials to learn the basics and experiment yourself!

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